Economic Development Queensland - Probity Advisory Services Case Study

September 5, 2023


Economic Development Queensland




Probity Advisory Services

Project Completed:

June 2018

Project Summary:

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) is a unique government agency which combines property development with specialist planning functions to achieve their vision. They are part of the Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation which has a focus on economic growth through private sector investment and job creation.

Procurement Co was engaged to provide probity advisory services to support EDQ in the delivery of a multi-stage transaction process for development of a 250-megawatt renewable energy project in Gladstone.

Project Outcomes:

Procurement Co delivered probity advisory services which:

  • provided guidance which enabled commercial outcomes to be achieved while ensuring that the EDQ transaction process was undertaken in accordance with Queensland Government Procurement Policy and best practice probity principles;
  • developed high quality probity documentation including, probity plan and probity report;
  • ensured that probity issues were identified and mitigated before being realised to prevent probity breaches from occurring; and
  • supported the EDQ team to deliver a commercially focused process and a good project outcome.
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