West Moreton Anglican College

May 22, 2024


West Moreton Anglican College




Procurement Review

Engagement Summary

Procurement Co was engaged by West Moreton Anglican College (WestMAC) to identify opportunities for improvement in their purchasing processes including ways to improve governance and internal controls to ensure the ongoing efficiency and affordability of the operational services being provided by the College.

Procurement Co conducted a comprehensive review of WestMAC’s current processes and organised workshops with a range of different stakeholder groups, including 1-on-1 workshops with personnel responsible for corporate governance, such as the Finance Manager, as well as broader workshops with ‘Leaders of Learning’ and the Executive Leadership Team. Procurement Co produced a Recommendations Report which detailed the findings from the spend data analysis, stakeholder engagement, and desktop review. This report also highlighted risks and opportunities in purchasing processes and spend habits. Procurement Co identified there was opportunity to revise WestMAC’s procurement processes to develop a fit-for-purpose policy that was simple to follow but empowered de-centralised purchasing..


Procurement Co delivered a revised purchasing policy with a suite of procurement templates, which included:

  • Request for Proposal (RFP) template
  • RFP Returnable Schedules
  • Statement of Work (SoW) template
  • Evaluation Spreadsheet
  • Contract Performance Review template
  • Contract Extension and Renewal Checklist


Procurement Co also developed a ‘Roll-out and Self-guided Training Slide Pack’ to support the implementation of the revised procurement processes, and templates. The training pack was tailored to ensure that all staff members, regardless of their role or previous experience with procurement, could effectively understand and apply the new policy, processes, and guidelines. Visualisations and step-by-step process workflows offer a clear presentation of roles, responsibilities, and approval touchpoints throughout the different procurement processes. This Training Pack covered the following content:

  • The purpose of the revised Procurement Policy
  • A summary of the revised Procurement Policy
  • Procurement Process Workflows for:
  • The Purchase Order Process
  • Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) below $10,000
  • Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) over $10,000
  • The Business Case Process
  • An overview of the newly developed Suite of Procurement Templates
  • Evaluation Planning Considerations
  • Modern Slavery Checklist
  • ICT Purchasing Requirements
  • Work Health & Safety Purchasing Requirements


Procurement Co conducted a detailed walk-through of the Training Slide Pack to ensure that WestMAC key stakeholders were well informed to deliver the anticipated training sessions to the wider team.

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