Origin Energy - APLNG Directional Drilling

September 5, 2023
Procurement Co


Origin Energy Asset Services


Oil & Gas exploration 


APLNG Directional Drilling 

Project Completed:

October 2022

Engagement Summary:

Origin Energy required the services of a specialist procurement consulting firm to conduct a complex end-to-end procurement activity, for the provision of directional drilling services to support gas operations within the Surat & Bowen Basins in Queensland, Australia. 

Services Provided:

Procurement Co successfully delivered the activities required under this engagement, including:

- Planning and development - review of background material, co-ordination of kick-off meetings, development of planning materials and tender documentation. 

- Tender facilitation - Tender Release, management of clarifications, development and release of all addenda, Tender Closing, submission completeness & compliance checks, facilitating any necessary clarifications. 

- Tender evaluation – delivery of pricing, commercial and social procurement evaluations, evaluation consolidation and presentation to the panel, coordination of moderation and clarifications

- Contract Recommendation & Award – facilitation of contract negotiations, development of contract award recommendation document, co-ordination of approvals, management of stakeholder enquiries, arranging for contract execution.

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