DJPR - Probity Advisor Victoria Fund Assessment Panel

September 5, 2023


Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)


State Government


Probity Advisor Victoria Fund Assessment Panel

Project Completed:

19/06/2022 - Current

Engagement Summary:

DJPR required a Probity Advisor advisor to attend Jobs Victoria Fund Assessment Panel meetings for the provision of probity advice and guidance to the Panel. This included:

- Attendance at the Jobs Victoria Fund weekly assessment panel meeting.

- Providing Independent assessment and strategic advice on probity matters identified in the Jobs Victoria Fund panel meetings.

- Advising on probity-related issues to maintain the integrity of the Jobs Victoria Fund, as requested.

Project Outcomes:

Procurement Co successfully delivered the activities required under this engagement, including:

- Review of background material – Procurement Co undertook desktop review of background information to establish a context for preliminary discussions with DJPR

- Provision of senior and experienced probity personnel who are able to actively support the panel and provide probity advice in real-time to support panel discussions and decision making

- Probity review and assurance activities

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